Expert for Competition Law, Trademark Law, Entertainment Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law and Law of Succession
As a member of the Austrian Association for Industrial Property Protection and Copyright Law, Dr. Walter Müller has been dealing intensively and continuously with issues of unfair competition law, trademark law and other immaterial property laws – ranging from copyright laws and patent laws to design rights – since the beginning of his activities as a lawyer. He has represented clients in many proceedings in which basic issues of these legal matters were ruled by the Superior Court or the European Court of Justice.
Dr. Müller also focuses on real-estate law in all its facets ranging from establishing real-estate purchase agreements, condominium and tenancy agreements to judicial enforcements of the clients’ claims in court.
Client consultation and representation in court regarding matters of family law and law of succession has been another main topics for Dr. Müller since he started his career as a lawyer. In particular, he focuses on quick and cost-effective proceedings that are acceptable for all parties concerned.
Dr. Walter Müller, born in 1962, studied law with doctorate degree at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz from 1980 to 1984.
In 1985 he started his legal career as a trainee lawyer at Prof. Haslinger & Partner.
After passing his bar exam “with distinction” in 1988, Dr. Müller began his activities as a lawyer and partner in 1990.

Key Activities
- Unfair competition law
- Domain law
- Trademark law
- Copyright law
- Media law
- Personal privacy law
- Real-estate law
- Tenancy Law and Residence Right
- Agriculture and forestry law
- Bank law
- General civil and corporate law
- Foundation law
- Tort and warranty law
- Matrimonial and family law
- Law of succession
- President-Deputy of the Upper Austrian Bar Association
- Member of the examination board at the Superior Court of Linz for bar examination
- Member of the working group for vocational training and advanced education at the Austrian Bar
- Foundation chairman
- Member of the Austrian Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and Copyright Law, member of the International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property and the International League of Competition Law
- Lecturer on trademark, unfair competition and media law
Published Works

Markenrecht Kompakt, 2. Auflage
(Dr. Walter Müller, Dr. Höller-Prantner, Linde Verlag 2021)

UWG kompakt
(Dr. Walter Müller, Linde Verlag 2009)
A standard reference regarding the Austrian Fair Trade Law (The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber)